You Can't Have a Day Without Agriculture

Monday, January 9, 2012

Coming Full Circle

   I believe in the future of farming/agriculture - these are the first few words of the FFA creed each freshman FFA member has to memorize, I remember working on it for hours to perfect because I wanted to be the best FFA member I could be, Why you ask ? Partly because it was a family tradition following in the foot steps of my dad and brother and partly to prove women can do this ag education and FFA thing too ! Back in the late 70's - early 80's girls where just starting to join the FFA and take ag ed classes in our school.  Being a farm girl and 4-H member joining the FFA was just the next step in my life. I was able to attend the Minnesota FFA convention as an 8th grader to watch my brother and cousin do their proficiency presentations and receive their state awards, that fall as a freshman and new FFA member, our family went to the national convention in Kansas City to see if my brother and cousin would win national proficiences, neither of them did, but the excitement of the convention was a thrill for me and developed my life long passion for the FFA. 
   I spent four years in ag education classes and the FFA in high school and was the second girl in our chapter to hold the office of president, was on several judging teams and showed livestock.  We were fortunate enough to have two ag teachers at once in our school, they split classes and worked together on FFA, I admired them both and thank them for pushing me to always do my best and taking time to work with me. I was especially honored to be in attendance when one of them received their state honorary degree three years ago shortly before he passed away. 
   After high school I went on to earn a degree in agriculture from South Dakota State University,  I took a few years off from FFA not participating on the collegiate level. I realized I missed the FFA and volunteered to the local chapter in the community I was now living. I have been a coach, mentor, judge for the students, booster club president and secretary and prime supporter to several ag teachers. Both our sons have been active FFA members carrying on the family tradition.  The next step in my FFA involvement came when I was ask to serve on the South Dakota FFA Foundation board, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to work at this level and help the SD FFA organization, and even more honored when elected to serve as president of the foundation board, and continue to hold this office. I was awarded the SD FFA State Honorary degree last spring. I give a huge amount of credit to the FFA organization and the opportunities it gave to me in becoming the person I am today and bringing me Full Circle from a high school freshman FFA member to an FFA advocate !
     Have you come full circle in an organization ?

1 comment:

Robyn said...


This is a very insightful post and great way to share your passions with your readers. How exciting for you to be on the SD FFA board and help to influence the next generation of youth and/or be influenced by them.

I think you and my sister would have fun talking FFA! She was also Chapter President and is now married to an Ag Teacher/FFA Advisor. She is giving back by being active in her Husband's Chapter.